King Krafts

Serving Jesus the King of Kings with poetry for the world.

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Sixty-Six Books, Sixteen Hundred Years

One of the most amazing facts of the Bible is that it was written over a 1,600 year period and had 40 different authors, yet they all testify of Jesus Christ, hundreds of years before Jesus was ever born.  Only God can look into the future and cause to come to pass what He has decreed.  It is beyond human elements to control what even happens tomorrow (Prov 27:1; James 4:13), not to mention hundreds or thousands of years later.  The  Bible has been banned, burned, and banished from many places on the earth but the Word of God will remain forever (Psalm 119:89; Isaiah 40:8; 1st Pet 1:25).

More Accurate than History Books

The Bible is so amazing because it has historical support that matches what the Bible says.  Not only historical accounts have supported what the Bible says, so too have archaeological finds that mention names, dates, and places that the Bible has recorded.  Luke the Evangelist could also be called “Luke the Historian” because of his great detail to time, people, places, and events as recorded in the Word of God.  Born a Gentile, Luke was well educated in the Greek culture and was a physician by profession, meaning that he was acquainted with detailed, specific accounts.  Being well educated, he knew and named the places, the years, and sometimes the time of something specific like the census and year of a certain ruler’s reign.